Canary Wharf


We are a caf...


Not a cafe, not a shop, not a branch, not a unit, not a restaurant. Just a caf.


There was also a time they called us a hipster hangout but thankfully that was just a passing phase. We don’t profess to being cool, because we’re not.


We make comfort food.


We make warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach food. We make ‘is my gran in your kitchen?’ food. We make ‘3 star ethically sourced good for the planet’ food.


Everyone is welcome. Me, your mum, my grandad, your uncle Albert, little Jonnie and all our best pals. Everyone is welcome.


At one point we tried to save the world with varying degrees of success. But we’ll leave that to Greta as we feel she’s doing a much better job. We’ll stick to being a caf and supporting our local communities.


Release your inner cafness.

Caf Opening Times


7:30am – 4pm  


7:30am – 10pm  

Wednesday & Thursday 

7:30am – 11pm  


7:30am – 10pm  


8am – 8pm  


8am – 4pm


Pub Opening Times

Sunday & Monday  



4pm – 10pm 

Wednesday & Thursday

4pm – 11pm 


4pm – 10pm 


12pm – 9pm 


Where to find us…

1 Crossrail Pl, London E14 5AR, 020 7871 9986